Thinking about buying a practice?
When purchasing a dental practice, you must be very careful to analyze the practice to be as certain as possible that it is the appropriate practice for you. The age of the patients, potential for growth, procedures being performed, and most important, cash flow are just some of the important areas that must be considered.
My success is built upon the success of each and every transaction. I depend on the referrals of satisfied customers as my best source of new clients. I am committed to and look forward to a relationship with every buyer after the transaction is complete to help with any issues or concerns that may arise. Many buyers have called years after the sale for advice and guidance with the growth and expansion of their practice. Whenever I am called upon, there is never any charge or obligation. Together we have built a network of dentists, lawyers, accountants, and friends who look to each other for their continued success.
 Although I receive my entire commission from the seller, I am committed to the success of BOTH the buyer and seller in every transaction. We have heard it before, but this must be a win-win opportunity for all parties involved.
The time must be taken to determine the financial requirements and personal goals of the buyer and seller. Everyone's needs are different and everything must be done to locate the proper buyer for each practice and the proper practice for each buyer.
Please don't hesitate to call anytime to arrange a consultation that will be without any obligation or charge.